All Creatures of Our God and King
All creatures of our God and King,
Lift up your voice and with us sing!
O praise Him! Alleluia!
Thou, burning sun
With golden beam,
Thou, silver moon
With softer gleam,
O praise Him! O praise Him!
Alleluia! Alleluia!
Let all things their Creator bless
And worship Him in humbleness.
O praise Him! Alleluia!
Praise, praise the Father,
Praise the Son,
And praise the Spirit,
All the redeemed
Washed by His blood,
Come and rejoice in His great love!
O praise Him! Alleluia!
Christ has defeated
Every sin;
Cast all your burdens
Now on Him!
He shall return in pow'r to reign.
Heaven and earth will join to say,
O praise Him! Alleluia!
Then who shall fall
On bended knee?
All creatures
Of our God and King.
We Believe (Apostle's Creed)
Chorus 1
We believe in one true God
Father, Spirit, Son;
One Church, One faith,
One Lord of all --
His Kingdom come.
Verse 1
We believe in God the Father
Almighty, Lord of life,
Creator of the Heavens,
The earth, the sea, the sky.
And we believe in Jesus,
The only Son of God
Born of the virgin Mary
Who lived as one of us.
Verse 2
We believe that Jesus suffered
Was beaten, crucified.
He died, and He was buried,
Entombed in darkest night.
The third day rose victorious,
Ascended into Heav'n,
Will one day come to judge us
The living and the dead.
Verse 3
We believe in God the Spirit,
One church, empow'red by Him,
Communion of God's people,
Forgiveness of our sin,
Our bodies resurrected,
To everlasting life
To worship, love and wonder
Before the throne of Christ!
It Is Well
Verse 1
When peace, like a river,
Attendeth my way,
When sorrows
Like sea billows roll,
Whatever my lot,
Thou hast taught me to say,
"It is well,
It is well with my soul."
It is well (echo),
with my soul (echo),
It is well,
It is well with my soul.
Verse 2
Tho' Satan should buffet,
Tho' trials should come,
Let this bles'd assurance
That Christ hath regarded
My helpless estate,
And hath shed
His own blood for my soul!
It is well (echo),
with my soul (echo),
It is well,
It is well with my soul.
Verse 3
My sin — O the bliss
Of this glorious thought —
My sin, not in part,
But the whole
Is nailed to the cross
And I bear it no more!
Praise the Lord!
Praise the Lord, O my soul!
Verse 4
And Lord, haste the day
When the faith shall be sight,
The clouds be rolled back
As a scroll,
The trump shall resound,
And the Lord shall descend,
"Even so,"
It is well with my soul!
Speak, O Lord
Verse 1
Speak, O Lord,
As we come to You
To receive the food
Of Your holy word.
Take Your truth,
Plant it deep in us,
Shape and fashion us
In Your likeness,
That the light of Christ
Might be seen today
In our acts of love
And our deeds of faith.
Speak, O Lord,
And fulfill in us
All Your purposes
For Your glory.
Verse 2
Teach us, Lord,
Full obedience,
Holy reverence,
True humility.
Test our thoughts
And our attitudes
In the radiance
Of Your purity.
Cause our faith to rise,
Cause our eyes to see
Your majestic love
And authority.
Words of power
That can never fail,
Let their truth prevail
Over unbelief.
Verse 3
Speak, O Lord,
And renew our minds.
Help us grasp the heights
Of Your plans for us!
Truths unchanged
From the dawn of time
That will echo down
Through eternity.
And by grace we'll stand
On Your promises,
And by faith we'll walk
As You walk with us.
Speak, O Lord,
Till Your church is built,
And the earth is filled
With Your glory!
Your Will be Done
Verse 1
Your will be done,
My God and Father,
As in heaven so on earth.
My heart is drawn to self-exalting.
Help me seek Your kingdom first.
As Jesus walked, so I shall walk,
Held by Your same
Unchanging love.
Be still, my soul,
O lift your voice and pray,
"Father, not my will
But Yours be done."
Verse 2
How in that garden he persisted
I may never fully know.
The fearful weight
Of true obedience,
It was held by him alone.
What wondrous faith
To bear that cross,
To bear my sin,
What wondrous love.
My hope was sure
When there my Savior prayed,
"Father, not my will
But Yours be done."
Verse 3
When I am lost,
When I am broken,
In the night of fear and doubt,
Still I will trust
In my good Father.
Yes, to the one great King I bow.
As Jesus rose, so I shall rise,
In ransomed glory at the throne.
My heart restored
With all Your saints I sing,
"Father, not my will
But Yours be done."
Verse 4
As we go forth,
Our God and Father,
Lead us daily in the fight,
That all the world
Might see Your glory,
And Your Name be lifted high.
And in this Name we overcome
For You shall see us safely home.
Now as Your church,
We lift our voice and pray,
"Father, not my will
But Yours be done."
And in this Name we overcome
For You shall see us safely home.
Now as Your church,
We lift our voice and pray,
Not my will
But Yours be done,
Not my will
But Yours be done."
Not my will
But Yours be done."