Nursery (ages flexible based on needs)
The nursery is provided for the duration of the entire worship service. There are plenty of books and toys for the children to play with, and cribs are set up to enable nap times as they are necessary. Each of our nursery workers is carefully screened so that you can be confident that your little ones will be safe, happy, and have fun while you enjoy fellowshiping with other believers, worshiping and learning of Christ together.
Sunday Morning Bible Classes ("E4:12")
Sundays at 9:30AM:
Pre-school: The Jesus Storybook
Elementary: Exploring the Bible
Teens & Adults: The Nicene Creed
Corporate Worship: Age 3 – 3rd grade
As the sermon time begins, the children in grades 3 & below may be dismissed in two different classes for a children’s Bible lesson with some of our background checked, skilled, & trained children’s teachers. If you’d rather keep your children with you during the sermon time, you’re more than welcome to do so. We encourage families with children of this age to take advantage of the opportunity to listen to the preaching of the Word without distraction as their children learn from and experience God’s Word taught and geared to their age level.
Kids 4 Truth: Age 3 – 6th grade
On the first and third Wednesdays of the month, the children in preschool – 6th grade meet at our church building from 6:30-8pm for a time of learning, Scripture memory, crafts, games and other fun activities. It’s a great opportunity for these children to learn about the Lord, memorize Scripture, learn how to apply it to their lives, and build relationships with each other.
GC²: 7th-12 Grade
GC² exists to promote and cultivate God-honoring, gospel-driven relationships among young people, faithfully focusing on the Greatest Commandments (love God; love others) and the Great Commission (go and make disciples).
Our GC² group consists of young people in grades 7-12, meeting on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month at our church building from 6:30-8pm for a time of Bile study, games, worship, and prayer for the purpose of building relationships among one another as we fellowship around God and His Word.